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  • Toi aussi, aide Faras à modder !

    Voilà, vu désormais j'ai fini ce que je devais finir pour la traduction d'EB1 (ca veut pas dire que j'arrête, mais que j'arrête surtout de bosser comme u enfant de chinois dans les provinces du pays intérieur), et vu que Zaza doit se dorer la pilule sur les plages luxueuses de Flandres et que MAT86 a d'autres chats à fouetter. j'ai décidé de me remettre fortement à ce mini-mod afin au moins d'en tirer quelques éléments. J'ai décidé de me concentrer sur l'amélioration des réformes, en pensant que c'est facile. Sauf que en fait non. CA MARCHE PAS %%%§§///////.

    Donc pour être plus méthologique, voilà les choses que je veux améliorer/changer :

    • Deuxième Réforme Le Temps des Soldats
    • Les Casse, Arvernes et Eduens doivent avoir construit au moins 6 "Danoch" (Le marché de niveau 3)
    • Les Casse, Arvernes et Eduens doivent avoir construit au moins 4 "Large Cities"
    • Les Casse, Arvernes et Eduens doivent avoir construit au moins 6 "Large Temples' (Le temple de niveau 3)

    Débloque :
    Tous :

    Arvernes et éduens :

    Arvernes :


    Fait disparaître le recrutement :

    Tous :

    Casses :

    En jouant avec les Casses, je me suis aperçu que cette réforme arrivait beaucoup trop vite par rapport aux réformes mariennes et germaines qui arrivent en même temps dans la vraie histoire. Bien sûr EB doit laisser une part d'uchronie, mais même, on a pas le temps de se faire à la première réforme que la deuxième arrive déjà. C'est pour cela qu'il faut la ralentir, j'ai pensé à accentuer le nombre de Danoch/large cities/temples, mais dans l'EBBS script j'ai même compris comment ca marche, alors j'ai voulu mettre une simple limite de temps, mais ca plantax (grf). Bon, pour ceux qui savent comment ca marche, je met la partie du fichier du script sur la deuxième ref celte :

    ;Section 2a: Celtic Reforms
    declare_counter Celt_ForumCount
    declare_counter Celt_CityCount
    declare_counter Celt_TempleCount
    declare_counter HadCeltReform1
    declare_counter HadCeltReform2
    ;  Determine if reforms have already occurred
    monitor_event SettlementTurnEnd SettlementIsLocal
              and SettlementBuildingExists = celt2
        set_counter HadCeltReform1 1
    monitor_event SettlementTurnEnd SettlementIsLocal
              and SettlementBuildingExists = celt3
        set_counter HadCeltReform2 1
    ; Count Celtic great markets
    monitor_event SettlementTurnStart FactionType gauls
    and I_CompareCounter Celt_Reform < 2
    and SettlementBuildingExists = forum
        inc_counter Celt_ForumCount 1
    monitor_event SettlementTurnStart FactionType scythia
    and SettlementBuildingExists = forum
    and I_CompareCounter Celt_Reform < 2
        inc_counter Celt_ForumCount 1
    monitor_event SettlementTurnStart FactionType britons
    and I_CompareCounter Celt_Reform < 2
    and SettlementBuildingExists = forum
        inc_counter Celt_ForumCount 1
    ; Count Celtic large cities
    monitor_event SettlementTurnStart FactionType gauls
    and I_CompareCounter Celt_Reform < 2
    and SettlementBuildingExists = proconsuls_palace
        inc_counter Celt_CityCount 1
    monitor_event SettlementTurnStart FactionType scythia
    and SettlementBuildingExists = proconsuls_palace
    and I_CompareCounter Celt_Reform < 2
        inc_counter Celt_CityCount 1
    monitor_event SettlementTurnStart FactionType britons
    and I_CompareCounter Celt_Reform < 2
    and SettlementBuildingExists = proconsuls_palace
        inc_counter Celt_CityCount 1
    ; Count Celtic major temples
    monitor_event SettlementTurnStart FactionType gauls
    and I_CompareCounter Celt_Reform < 2
    and SettlementBuildingExists = temple_of_battle_awesome_temple
        inc_counter Celt_TempleCount 1
    monitor_event SettlementTurnStart FactionType scythia
    and SettlementBuildingExists = temple_of_battle_awesome_temple
    and I_CompareCounter Celt_Reform < 2
        inc_counter Celt_TempleCount 1
    monitor_event SettlementTurnStart FactionType britons
    and I_CompareCounter Celt_Reform < 2
    and SettlementBuildingExists = temple_of_battle_awesome_temple
        inc_counter Celt_TempleCount 1
    monitor_event SettlementTurnStart FactionType gauls
    and I_CompareCounter Celt_Reform < 2
    and SettlementBuildingExists = temple_of_farming_awesome_temple
        inc_counter Celt_TempleCount 1
    monitor_event SettlementTurnStart FactionType scythia
    and SettlementBuildingExists = temple_of_farming_awesome_temple
    and I_CompareCounter Celt_Reform < 2
        inc_counter Celt_TempleCount 1
    monitor_event SettlementTurnStart FactionType britons
    and I_CompareCounter Celt_Reform < 2
    and SettlementBuildingExists = temple_of_farming_awesome_temple
        inc_counter Celt_TempleCount 1
    monitor_event SettlementTurnStart FactionType gauls
    and I_CompareCounter Celt_Reform < 2
    and SettlementBuildingExists = temple_of_fertility_awesome_temple
        inc_counter Celt_TempleCount 1
    monitor_event SettlementTurnStart FactionType scythia
    and SettlementBuildingExists = temple_of_fertility_awesome_temple
    and I_CompareCounter Celt_Reform < 2
        inc_counter Celt_TempleCount 1
    monitor_event SettlementTurnStart FactionType britons
    and I_CompareCounter Celt_Reform < 2
    and SettlementBuildingExists = temple_of_fertility_awesome_temple
        inc_counter Celt_TempleCount 1
    monitor_event SettlementTurnStart FactionType gauls
    and I_CompareCounter Celt_Reform < 2
    and SettlementBuildingExists = temple_of_forge_awesome_temple
        inc_counter Celt_TempleCount 1
    monitor_event SettlementTurnStart FactionType scythia
    and SettlementBuildingExists = temple_of_forge_awesome_temple
    and I_CompareCounter Celt_Reform < 2
        inc_counter Celt_TempleCount 1
    monitor_event SettlementTurnStart FactionType britons
    and I_CompareCounter Celt_Reform < 2
    and SettlementBuildingExists = temple_of_forge_awesome_temple
        inc_counter Celt_TempleCount 1
    monitor_event SettlementTurnStart FactionType gauls
    and I_CompareCounter Celt_Reform < 2
    and SettlementBuildingExists = temple_of_fun_awesome_temple
        inc_counter Celt_TempleCount 1
    monitor_event SettlementTurnStart FactionType scythia
    and SettlementBuildingExists = temple_of_fun_awesome_temple
    and I_CompareCounter Celt_Reform < 2
        inc_counter Celt_TempleCount 1
    monitor_event SettlementTurnStart FactionType britons
    and I_CompareCounter Celt_Reform < 2
    and SettlementBuildingExists = temple_of_fun_awesome_temple
        inc_counter Celt_TempleCount 1
    monitor_event SettlementTurnStart FactionType gauls
    and I_CompareCounter Celt_Reform < 2
    and SettlementBuildingExists = temple_of_governors_awesome_temple
        inc_counter Celt_TempleCount 1
    monitor_event SettlementTurnStart FactionType scythia
    and SettlementBuildingExists = temple_of_governors_awesome_temple
    and I_CompareCounter Celt_Reform < 2
        inc_counter Celt_TempleCount 1
    monitor_event SettlementTurnStart FactionType britons
    and I_CompareCounter Celt_Reform < 2
    and SettlementBuildingExists = temple_of_governors_awesome_temple
        inc_counter Celt_TempleCount 1
    ;reset Celt counters
    monitor_event FactionTurnEnd FactionIsLocal
    if I_CompareCounter Celt_ForumCount > 5
            set_counter Celt_Reform 1
    if I_CompareCounter Celt_ForumCount > 9
    and I_CompareCounter Celt_CityCount > 5
    and I_CompareCounter Celt_TempleCount > 5
            set_counter Celt_Reform 2
    if I_CompareCounter Celt_Reform < 2
        set_counter Celt_ForumCount 0
        set_counter Celt_CityCount 0
        set_counter Celt_TempleCount 0
    monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal
    and I_CompareCounter Celt_ForumCount > 5
    set_counter Celt_Reform 1
    monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal
    and I_CompareCounter Celt_ForumCount > 9
    and I_CompareCounter Celt_CityCount > 5
    and I_CompareCounter Celt_TempleCount > 5
    set_counter Celt_Reform 2
    Et un exemple de comment le script crée le bâtiment de réforme :
    monitor_event SettlementTurnStart SettlementName Adrumeto
    and I_CompareCounter Celt_Reform = 2
    and not SettlementBuildingExists = celt3
    and not SettlementBuildingExists > muster_field_D
    if not I_SettlementOwner Adrumeto = seleucid
    and not I_SettlementOwner Adrumeto = parthia
    and not I_SettlementOwner Adrumeto = pontus
    and not I_SettlementOwner Adrumeto = numidia
    and not I_SettlementOwner Adrumeto = romans_julii
    and not I_SettlementOwner Adrumeto = egypt
    and not I_SettlementOwner Adrumeto = germans
    and not I_SettlementOwner Adrumeto = greek_cities
    and not I_SettlementOwner Adrumeto = macedon
    and not I_SettlementOwner Adrumeto = carthage
    and not I_SettlementOwner Adrumeto = romans_scipii
    and not I_SettlementOwner Adrumeto = dacia
    and not I_SettlementOwner Adrumeto = armenia
    and not I_SettlementOwner Adrumeto = spain
    and not I_SettlementOwner Adrumeto = thrace
    and not I_SettlementOwner Adrumeto = romans_brutii
    and not I_SettlementOwner Adrumeto = saba
    and not I_SettlementOwner Adrumeto = slave
    console_command create_building Adrumeto "celt3"
    console_command create_building Adrumeto "muster_field_E"
    console_command set_building_health Adrumeto Barracks_D 0
    Bon si quelqu'un m'explique comment ca marche et comment juste ajouter plus de cites/temples machin pour déclencher la seconde réforme tant mieux. Parce que moi j'ai rien pigé. (Vous allez me dire mais la fin ! Oui mais la fin c'est 9/5/5 et pas 6/4/6. Je pige rien)

    Deuxième chose à changer :

    Saka Rauka:

    • Une Réforme: Réforme Indo-Sace:
    • Vous devez contrôler Baktra, Marakanda, Alexandreia Eschate, Antiocheia Margiane, Alexandria Ariana ou Taksashila pendant au moins 4 hivers consécutifs

    Débloque plusieurs unités, indiquées sur cette page après « Indo-Saka Reforms » : http://www.europabarbarorum.com/fact...aka_units.html
    En fait il suffit de prendre Alexandreia Eschate, super facile à prendre au début et la ref arrive beaucoup beaucoup trop vite. L'idéal serait "Tenez Baktra ET Taksashila pendant 4 hiver" c'est qui est difficile et historique (envahir l'Inde et détruire la Bactriane en soit).

    Voilà comment se structure la réforme :
    ;Section 2b: Saka Reforms
    declare_counter Saka_Reform_Building_Exists
    monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionType pontus
              and FactionIsLocal
              and I_CompareCounter Saka_Reform = 1
              and I_CompareCounter Saka_Reform_Building_Exists = 0
        advance_advice_thread Saka_Reforms_Message
    monitor_event CharacterTurnEnd Trait SakaReformer = 1
    set_counter Saka_Reform 1
    monitor_event SettlementTurnEnd SettlementBuildingExists = saka
    set_counter Saka_Reform 1
    set_counter Saka_Reform_Building_Exists 1
    En fait, le script vérifie qu'un personnage à un trait spécifique (et caché), le script se trouve donc plutôt dans le export descr character trait :

    ; Section: Saka Traits
    Trait SakaReformer
        Characters family
        Level Saka_Reformer
            Description Hidden_desc
            EffectsDescription Hidden_effects_desc
            Threshold  1
    ; Section : Saka Specific Triggers
    Trigger NotSakaReformer
      WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
        Condition FactionType pontus
              and IsFactionLeader
              and Trait YearsPassed > 0
              and not I_SettlementOwner Baktra = pontus
              and not I_SettlementOwner Marakanda = pontus
              and not I_SettlementOwner Alexandreia_Eschate = pontus
              and not I_SettlementOwner Antiocheia_Margiane = pontus
              and not I_SettlementOwner Alexandreia_Ariana = pontus
              and not I_SettlementOwner Taksashila = pontus
      Affects ReverseYears  4  Chance  100
    Trigger AcquireSakaReformer
      WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
        Condition FactionType pontus
              and IsFactionLeader
              and Trait SakaReformer < 1
              and Trait YearsPassed = 4
      Affects SakaReformer  1  Chance  100
    ;Mod: EBMod890 - 10/01 : Saka Reforms Triggers
    Trigger yearspassed_sync01
      WhenToTest CharacterTurnStart
        Condition AgentType = family
              and not IsFactionLeader
              and FactionLeaderTrait YearsPassed = 0
              and Trait YearsPassed = 1
      Affects ReverseYears  1  Chance  100
    Trigger yearspassed_sync02
      WhenToTest CharacterTurnStart
        Condition AgentType = family
              and not IsFactionLeader
              and FactionLeaderTrait YearsPassed = 0
              and Trait YearsPassed = 2
      Affects ReverseYears  2  Chance  100
    Trigger yearspassed_sync03
      WhenToTest CharacterTurnStart
        Condition AgentType = family
              and not IsFactionLeader
              and FactionLeaderTrait YearsPassed = 0
              and Trait YearsPassed = 3
      Affects ReverseYears  3  Chance  100
    Trigger yearspassed_sync04
      WhenToTest CharacterTurnStart
        Condition AgentType = family
              and not IsFactionLeader
              and FactionLeaderTrait YearsPassed = 0
              and Trait YearsPassed = 4
      Affects ReverseYears  4  Chance  100
    Trigger yearspassed_sync05
      WhenToTest CharacterTurnStart
        Condition AgentType = family
              and not IsFactionLeader
              and FactionLeaderTrait YearsPassed = 0
              and Trait YearsPassed = 5
      Affects ReverseYears  5  Chance  100
    Trigger yearspassed_sync01b
      WhenToTest CharacterTurnStart
        Condition AgentType = family
              and not IsFactionLeader
              and FactionLeaderTrait YearsPassed = 1
              and Trait YearsPassed = 0
      Affects YearsPassed  1  Chance  100
    Trigger yearspassed_sync02b
      WhenToTest CharacterTurnStart
        Condition AgentType = family
              and not IsFactionLeader
              and FactionLeaderTrait YearsPassed = 1
              and Trait YearsPassed = 2
      Affects ReverseYears  2  Chance  100
      Affects YearsPassed  1  Chance  100
    Trigger yearspassed_sync03b
      WhenToTest CharacterTurnStart
        Condition AgentType = family
              and not IsFactionLeader
              and FactionLeaderTrait YearsPassed = 1
              and Trait YearsPassed = 3
      Affects ReverseYears  3  Chance  100
      Affects YearsPassed  1  Chance  100
    Trigger yearspassed_sync04b
      WhenToTest CharacterTurnStart
        Condition AgentType = family
              and not IsFactionLeader
              and FactionLeaderTrait YearsPassed = 1
              and Trait YearsPassed = 4
      Affects ReverseYears  4  Chance  100
      Affects YearsPassed  1  Chance  100
    Trigger yearspassed_sync05b
      WhenToTest CharacterTurnStart
        Condition AgentType = family
              and not IsFactionLeader
              and FactionLeaderTrait YearsPassed = 1
              and Trait YearsPassed = 5
      Affects ReverseYears  5  Chance  100
      Affects YearsPassed  1  Chance  100
    Trigger yearspassed_sync01c
      WhenToTest CharacterTurnStart
        Condition AgentType = family
              and not IsFactionLeader
              and FactionLeaderTrait YearsPassed = 2
              and Trait YearsPassed = 0
      Affects YearsPassed  2  Chance  100 
    Trigger yearspassed_sync02c
      WhenToTest CharacterTurnStart
        Condition AgentType = family
              and not IsFactionLeader
              and FactionLeaderTrait YearsPassed = 2
              and Trait YearsPassed = 1
      Affects ReverseYears  1  Chance  100
      Affects YearsPassed  2  Chance  100
    Trigger yearspassed_sync03c
      WhenToTest CharacterTurnStart
        Condition AgentType = family
              and not IsFactionLeader
              and FactionLeaderTrait YearsPassed = 2
              and Trait YearsPassed = 3
      Affects ReverseYears  3  Chance  100
      Affects YearsPassed  2  Chance  100
    Trigger yearspassed_sync04c
      WhenToTest CharacterTurnStart
        Condition AgentType = family
              and not IsFactionLeader
              and FactionLeaderTrait YearsPassed = 2
              and Trait YearsPassed = 4
      Affects ReverseYears  4  Chance  100
      Affects YearsPassed  2  Chance  100
    Trigger yearspassed_sync05c
      WhenToTest CharacterTurnStart
        Condition AgentType = family
              and not IsFactionLeader
              and FactionLeaderTrait YearsPassed = 2
              and Trait YearsPassed = 5
      Affects ReverseYears  5  Chance  100
      Affects YearsPassed  2  Chance  100
    Trigger yearspassed_sync01d
      WhenToTest CharacterTurnStart
        Condition AgentType = family
              and not IsFactionLeader
              and FactionLeaderTrait YearsPassed = 3
              and Trait YearsPassed = 0
      Affects YearsPassed  3  Chance  100 
    Trigger yearspassed_sync02d
      WhenToTest CharacterTurnStart
        Condition AgentType = family
              and not IsFactionLeader
              and FactionLeaderTrait YearsPassed = 3
              and Trait YearsPassed = 1
      Affects ReverseYears  1  Chance  100
      Affects YearsPassed  3  Chance  100
    Trigger yearspassed_sync03d
      WhenToTest CharacterTurnStart
        Condition AgentType = family
              and not IsFactionLeader
              and FactionLeaderTrait YearsPassed = 3
              and Trait YearsPassed = 2
      Affects ReverseYears  2  Chance  100
      Affects YearsPassed  3  Chance  100
    Trigger yearspassed_sync04d
      WhenToTest CharacterTurnStart
        Condition AgentType = family
              and not IsFactionLeader
              and FactionLeaderTrait YearsPassed = 3
              and Trait YearsPassed = 4
      Affects ReverseYears  4  Chance  100
      Affects YearsPassed  3  Chance  100
    Trigger yearspassed_sync05d
      WhenToTest CharacterTurnStart
        Condition AgentType = family
              and not IsFactionLeader
              and FactionLeaderTrait YearsPassed = 3
              and Trait YearsPassed = 5
      Affects ReverseYears  5  Chance  100
      Affects YearsPassed  3  Chance  100
    Trigger yearspassed_sync01e
      WhenToTest CharacterTurnStart
        Condition AgentType = family
              and not IsFactionLeader
              and FactionLeaderTrait YearsPassed = 4
              and Trait YearsPassed = 0
      Affects YearsPassed  4  Chance  100 
    Trigger yearspassed_sync02e
      WhenToTest CharacterTurnStart
        Condition AgentType = family
              and not IsFactionLeader
              and FactionLeaderTrait YearsPassed = 4
              and Trait YearsPassed = 1
      Affects ReverseYears  1  Chance  100
      Affects YearsPassed  4  Chance  100
    Trigger yearspassed_sync03e
      WhenToTest CharacterTurnStart
        Condition AgentType = family
              and not IsFactionLeader
              and FactionLeaderTrait YearsPassed = 4
              and Trait YearsPassed = 2
      Affects ReverseYears  2  Chance  100
      Affects YearsPassed  4  Chance  100
    Trigger yearspassed_sync04e
      WhenToTest CharacterTurnStart
        Condition AgentType = family
              and not IsFactionLeader
              and FactionLeaderTrait YearsPassed = 4
              and Trait YearsPassed = 3
      Affects ReverseYears  3  Chance  100
      Affects YearsPassed  4  Chance  100
    Trigger yearspassed_sync05e
      WhenToTest CharacterTurnStart
        Condition AgentType = family
              and not IsFactionLeader
              and FactionLeaderTrait YearsPassed = 4
              and Trait YearsPassed = 5
      Affects ReverseYears  5  Chance  100
      Affects YearsPassed  4  Chance  100
    Trigger yearspassed_sync01f
      WhenToTest CharacterTurnStart
        Condition AgentType = family
              and not IsFactionLeader
              and FactionLeaderTrait YearsPassed = 5
              and Trait YearsPassed = 0
      Affects YearsPassed  5  Chance  100 
    Trigger yearspassed_sync02f
      WhenToTest CharacterTurnStart
        Condition AgentType = family
              and not IsFactionLeader
              and FactionLeaderTrait YearsPassed = 5
              and Trait YearsPassed = 1
      Affects ReverseYears  1  Chance  100
      Affects YearsPassed  5  Chance  100
    Trigger yearspassed_sync03f
      WhenToTest CharacterTurnStart
        Condition AgentType = family
              and not IsFactionLeader
              and FactionLeaderTrait YearsPassed = 5
              and Trait YearsPassed = 2
      Affects ReverseYears  2  Chance  100
      Affects YearsPassed  5  Chance  100
    Trigger yearspassed_sync04f
      WhenToTest CharacterTurnStart
        Condition AgentType = family
              and not IsFactionLeader
              and FactionLeaderTrait YearsPassed = 5
              and Trait YearsPassed = 3
      Affects ReverseYears  3  Chance  100
      Affects YearsPassed  5  Chance  100
    Trigger yearspassed_sync05f
      WhenToTest CharacterTurnStart
        Condition AgentType = family
              and not IsFactionLeader
              and FactionLeaderTrait YearsPassed = 5
              and Trait YearsPassed = 4
      Affects ReverseYears  4  Chance  100
      Affects YearsPassed  5  Chance  100
    Bon les YearsPassed je pige rien, autant ne pas y toucher.
    Bon alors là, Je laisse le thread, puis je vais encore réessayer cet aprem, et je posterais en larmes mes diverses tentatives alors que je hurlerais que "POURQUOI CA MARCHE PAS %%%§§§§" Caulaincourt si tu passes, t'as interêt à poster quelque chose ou je viens à Limoges et je te casses les rotules, mais amicalement. édé-moa !

  • #2
    Alors pour les Celtes, j'ai rajouté 2 à chaque compteur pour la deuxième réforme :
    ;reset Celt counters
    monitor_event FactionTurnEnd FactionIsLocal
    if I_CompareCounter Celt_ForumCount > 5
            set_counter Celt_Reform 1
    if I_CompareCounter Celt_ForumCount > 11
    and I_CompareCounter Celt_CityCount > 7
    and I_CompareCounter Celt_TempleCount > 7
            set_counter Celt_Reform 2
    if I_CompareCounter Celt_Reform < 2
        set_counter Celt_ForumCount 0
        set_counter Celt_CityCount 0
        set_counter Celt_TempleCount 0
    monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal
    and I_CompareCounter Celt_ForumCount > 5
    set_counter Celt_Reform 1
    monitor_event FactionTurnStart FactionIsLocal
    and I_CompareCounter Celt_ForumCount > 11
    and I_CompareCounter Celt_CityCount > 7
    and I_CompareCounter Celt_TempleCount > 7
    set_counter Celt_Reform 2
    Bonne nouvelle, ca a pas planté. Mais aucun moyen de vérifier rapidement si ca marche bien ou non. Boah, tant pis, allez les Saces maintenant.
    Dernière modification par Faras, 16-02-2013, 16h49.


    • #3
      Chaud ton bordel, perso je peut pas t'aider j'y connais rien, mais en fait tu as abandonné ton autre projet de modding sur EB!!!

      Sinon, bonne chance toussa et que ceux qui tâtent arrive.


      • #4
        Non, non s'pas abandonné, si j'arrive à ca, je passe ensuite aux refs des phalanges grecques et macédoniennes. Merci pour tes encouragements, bon là je teste ma modif sace, je prie pour que ca plantax pas.
        Ca plante OUIN.

        - - - - - - - - - - Nouveau message fusionné - - - - - - - - - -

        Trigger Not_SakaReformer_Baktra
          WhenToTest CharacterTurn End
           Condition FactionType pontus
                 and IsFaction Leader
                 and Trait YearsPassed > 0
                 and not I_SettlementOwner Baktra = pontus
          Affects ReverseYears 4 Chance 100
        Dernière modification par Faras, 16-02-2013, 17h40.


        • #5
          Promis je regarde ça demain.


          • #6
            Ouké merci, là je commence à être mal, je comprends pas POURQUOI CA VEUT PAS. Mon but c'est de remplacer ca :
            ; Section : Saka Specific Triggers
            Trigger NotSakaReformer
              WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
                Condition FactionType pontus
                      and IsFactionLeader
                      and Trait YearsPassed > 0
                      and not I_SettlementOwner Baktra = pontus
                      and not I_SettlementOwner Marakanda = pontus
                      and not I_SettlementOwner Alexandreia_Eschate = pontus
                      and not I_SettlementOwner Antiocheia_Margiane = pontus
                      and not I_SettlementOwner Alexandreia_Ariana = pontus
                      and not I_SettlementOwner Taksashila = pontus
              Affects ReverseYears  4  Chance  100
            Trigger AcquireSakaReformer
              WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
                Condition FactionType pontus
                      and IsFactionLeader
                      and Trait SakaReformer < 1
                      and Trait YearsPassed = 4
              Affects SakaReformer  1  Chance  100
            Par ca
            ; Section : Saka Specific Triggers
            Trigger NotSakaReformer
              WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
                Condition FactionType pontus
                      and IsFactionLeader
                      and Trait YearsPassed > 0
                      and not I_SettlementOwner Baktra = pontus
               Affects ReverseYears  4  Chance  100
            Trigger NotSakaReformer2
              WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
                Condition FactionType pontus
                      and IsFactionLeader
                      and Trait YearsPassed > 0
                      and not I_SettlementOwner Taksashila = pontus
              Affects ReverseYears  4  Chance  100
            Trigger AcquireSakaReformer
              WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
                Condition FactionType pontus
                      and IsFactionLeader
                      and Trait SakaReformer < 1
                      and Trait YearsPassed = 4
              Affects SakaReformer  1  Chance  100
            Dernière modification par Faras, 21-02-2013, 08h43.


            • #7
              Désolé je peux pas t'aider j'y connais rien aussi. :\

              Mais bonne chance pour tes mini mods que j'attends avec impatience.


              • #8
                Remarque a part : tu trouvera des tool de type validator sur twc qui peuvent t'aider a resoudre les erreurs (du moins en partie). Tu peux en trouver un pour les script et un autre pour les traits. (Je possede les deux mais j'ai plus les noms)
                Dernière modification par Mat, 16-02-2013, 20h53.


                • #9
                  J'ai essayé celui sur les traits, ca plante. CA PLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANTE. (Merci quand même).


                  • #10
                    C'est pas dur pourtant. Que dis ton log après le plantage ?
                    Lis les tutoriels sur twc, ils sont très bien répertoriés et classés pour tout ce qui concerne les réformes et leur déclenchement.
                    Désolé mais j'ai pas de temps libre jusqu'au mois de juin.


                    • #11
                      Y'a rien marqué dans mon log. Et oui malgré le show_error. Et les tutos de twc sont illisibles.


                      • #12
                        Si tu n'y trouves pas ton bonheur, c'est de la mauvaise foi.


                        • #13
                          Encore une fois que quelqu'un m'explique pourquoi quand je remplace ca :
                          ; Section : Saka Specific Triggers
                          Trigger NotSakaReformer
                            WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
                              Condition FactionType pontus
                                    and IsFactionLeader
                                    and Trait YearsPassed > 0
                                    and not I_SettlementOwner Baktra = pontus
                                    and not I_SettlementOwner Marakanda = pontus
                                    and not I_SettlementOwner Alexandreia_Eschate = pontus
                                    and not I_SettlementOwner Antiocheia_Margiane = pontus
                                    and not I_SettlementOwner Alexandreia_Ariana = pontus
                                    and not I_SettlementOwner Taksashila = pontus
                            Affects ReverseYears  4  Chance  100
                          par ca :
                          Trigger NotSakaReformerTa
                            WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
                              Condition FactionType pontus
                                    and IsFactionLeader
                                    and Trait YearsPassed > 0
                                    and not I_SettlementOwner Taksashila = pontus
                            Affects ReverseYears  4  Chance  100
                          Trigger NotSakaReformerBa
                            WhenToTest CharacterTurnEnd
                              Condition FactionType pontus
                                    and IsFactionLeader
                                    and Trait YearsPassed > 0
                                    and not I_SettlementOwner Baktra = pontus
                           Affects ReverseYears  4  Chance  100
                          Normalement tout devrait être parfait, tes tutos disent strictement rien sur mon problème et ca devrait donc marcher, y'a des trigger qui fonctionnent à peu près pareil un peu plus haut. Le jeu se lance, mais après avoir choisi une faction POUF CA PLANTE.



                          • #14
                            J'ai peut être trouvé mais ça va pas te plaire. Il se peu que le jeu ai arrivé aux hard-codded limit. (y en a pour les triggers)
                            Je ne vois que ça...

                            J'espère que c'est pas ça pour toi.


                            • #15
                              Ah j'étais pas du tout au courant que les triggers étaient limités. Bon. C'est pas grave, je vais passer les scripts. Merci beaucoup Mat !

